
About This partnership

1. Friends, Get Vaccinated! by Kewei Lin. | 2. Vaccinated by Bria Goeller. | 3. Sing and Dance by Gretchen Wieman. Contribute to and download this and other free COVID-19 Vaccine related art at amplifier.org

A Novel Partnership

To Demonstrate Cross-sector Collaboration in Arts and Public Health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has partnered with arts and culture organizations to promote vaccine confidence and demand. 

CDC’s partnership with the David J. Spencer CDC Museum University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine, CDC Foundation, and two Atlanta based arts organizations, Dashboard and Living Walls, has generated:

  • A set of field guides.
  • A pilot project in Atlanta to demonstrate how arts and culture can empower vaccine confidence.
  • A program repository to drive partnerships and public health programming with arts and culture. 
  • A webinar highlighting practice examples, strategies, and resources.
  • A funding opportunity for arts and culture organizations

This novel partnership aims to demonstrate how public health entities can create synergistic, equitable, culturally responsive, and sustainable partnerships and programs that engage artists as critical partners and trusted messengers in promoting vaccine confidence—for COVID-19 and beyond. 

Vaccinated by Sandrine Demathieu

Contribute to and download this and other free COVID-19 Vaccine related art at amplifier.org

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